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Anticipating Enterprise-Grade Quantum Computing in 2024

Being able to improve risk management, optimize cargo loading, make better lithium batteries and conduct effective predictive maintenance in the manufacturing world are among the many applications quantum computing is expected to unlock. This can all happen within the next few years as usable hardware starts shipping to companies such as Airbus, Hyundai, GE Finance, and financial services firm.  

“We expect to deliver Forte Enterprise in 2025, a 35-qubit quantum computer,” said Nicole Barberis, Director-Quantum Business Solutions, IonQ. “In 2025, we’ll deliver 64 cubits, where we anticipate we’re going to cross the line and surpass what is possible on a classical computer.” 

By shipping a 35-qubit computer next year that will fit in existing data centers, it will enable businesses to build and test the infrastructure and applications for the arrival of a 64-qubit computer, one that will deliver a 2% or more improvement over classic computing hardware, a value proposition that companies can easily understand.  

“They are not focused on that theoretical quantum advantage conversation that we used to have about five years ago,” stated Barberis. “From an executive’s perspective, if quantum computing offers a 2% improvement, 5%, 10%, that translates into direct dollars. That’s what they care about.” 

Many industries with computational problems difficult for classic computing hardware are lining up to integrate quantum computing into their operations. “It’s important to know quantum computing and classical computing are complementary. We know commercial applications are becoming hybrid,” said Barberis. “You can imagine a machine learning pipeline where some of the subroutines are sent to a GPU, a CPU, and a subcomponent is routed to a QPU. On top of that, within the quantum application itself, there’s also a hybrid loop of classical and quantum computing. The optimization loop for example, and many, many machine learning algorithms can be handled and split up between the quantum computer and the classical computer.” 

A lot of data science use cases, such as image processing, materials science, optimization, and risk management correlation, have a component that can benefit from the addition of quantum computing. 

To learn more about the intricacies of quantum computing and how it complements traditional centers and works well with fiber, listen to the latest Fiber for Breakfast podcast, sponsored by Qubitekk.