Home All Fiber Network Certification Application All Fiber Network Certification Application FBA All Fiber Network Certification Application Name * Name First First Last Last Contact Title * Contact Company * Email * Network Name Website/URL * Are you a network operator member of Fiber Broadband Association? Yes No, please contact me with more information. Unsure of membership status Please identify the location(s) and size(s) of your all fiber deployments in sufficient detail for the Fiber Broadband Association to effectively certify those deployments. * Please identify the fiber access equipment used in your deployment and the type of access technology used (PON or Active Ethernet). * Please confirm that services are currently being delivered over your all fiber deployment (revenue-paying subscribers). Indicate Yes/No, and please explain, if necessary. Please identify: 1) the current number of all fiber subscribers in service at the time of application, and 2) the number planned to be in service when deployment is complete. What is your ratio of “Strategic Commitment” to fiber? To be eligible for Fiber or All-Fiber Network Certification, service providers must exhibit a high level of commitment to network-wide fiber deployment as indicated by a “Strategic Commitment” to fiber in your network. Service providers must demonstrate “Strategic Commitment” to fiber in their network, at a level of at least 70%. “Strategic Commitment” is defined as the ratio of the total number of residential households to which Fiber Services are marketed divided by total residential households to which Services are marketed, all within the service provider’s entire local access network. To be certified as all fiber, service providers must demonstrate a strategic commitment ratio of 90% or greater. Captcha Submit Δ