Several organizations have made useful resources available for state broadband offices and for providers interested in applying for BEAD rural…

Small providers with 100,000 subscriber lines or less have until October 10, 2024 to implement broadband labels that provide consistent…

At least four states – including Kansas, Texas, Florida, and Iowa — offered broadband funding updates over the last week…

According to analysts, 25G is necessary. Read the full article on Telecompetitor by Joan Engebretson here: What Providers Should Know…

The high-cost thresholds that will be established on a state-to-state basis for the BEAD rural broadband funding program will determine…

Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the state’s BEAD initial proposals are due December 27. Once NTIA approves the proposal,…

The FCC has a new target of 100/20 Mbps for the A-CAM rural broadband funding program. Read the full article…

Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information for NTIA, Alan Davidson, kicked off the next round of funding in…

Florida was awarded $247 million in BEAD funding to connect around 59,000 homes and businesses. Read the full article by…

The state of Texas received requests for $180 million in funding for its Bringing Online Opportunities to Texas (BOOT) rural…