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Rob Shema

Director of Corporate Development and Govt Affairs - altafiber



Nominee Questionnaire

Please provide a short bio for voters to get to know you. Rob Shema is focused on developing new opportunities and relationships for altafiber to continue expanding its fiber footprint beyond the Greater Cincinnati region. In this capacity he creates partnerships with government and private entities that expand altafiber’s service territory. He is extremely active in the grant process at the national, state and local levels.

Shema has been active and involved in the Fiber Broadband Association since 2011 when it was known as the Fiber to the Home Council.

Shema is co-founder of Hoosier Net, a middle-mile fiber network consortium comprised of 18 rural electric cooperative and 17 telephone companies. It is a unique partnership that creates an opportunity to provide middle-mile fiber into the deepest areas of the state of Indiana. And is evidence of what can be accomplished when ISPs of all sizes and types come together to further fiber expansion and connectivity.

Industry Honors
2021 – Recipient of the ACA Connects Servant Leadership Award
2019 – Mid America Cable Pathfinder Award
2018 – Inducted into National Cable Pioneers
1997 – NFPA National Paralegal of the Year

Shema was formerly Chief Executive Officer with Com Net. Shema directed Com Net in its efforts to provide IPTV Video, Fiber Optic Transport, Dedicated Internet Access, Authentication, Network Administration, and Call Center Support.

Previous to 2020, he was the EVP of Member Services and Finance for the ACA Connects. ACA Connects represents more than 800 ISPs comprised of municipal ISPs, rural electric cooperative ISPs, ILECs, CLECS, and cable companies. As EVP, Shema was responsible for all of the daily operations of the organization and for analyzing all external factors that affect the organization. He directly oversaw the development and implementation of the marketing and growth strategy for member and associate member companies. He also provided members with guidance regarding legal and regulatory issues.

Please explain why you consider yourself an excellent candidate for the Board of Directors of the Fiber Broadband Association. My 16 years of association experience in the telecommunication industry as the COO of ACA Connects allowed me to experience growth of an association to numerous members and vendors. This experience would help me to guide the FBA to a sustainable and industry leading voice and thought leader when it comes to fiber and the importance of fiber in our country.
How many years has your company been a Fiber Broadband Association Member? 10
How many years have you participated in Fiber Broadband Association activities? 13
Please indicate any Fiber Broadband Association Committees or working groups you have participated on including position and years served. I am an active member of the Membership Working Group (new group started in 2024) and the Government Affairs Committee (since 2022).
Please list any Fiber Broadband Association Contributions (activities supported, assets developed, documents drafted, webinars presented, etc.) Attended numerous regional events as a speaker and participated on Fiber to the Hill Day. I was a participant in one the first Fiber for Breakfast events during covid in 2020 discussing deploying fiber over pavement. I have participated in every Fiber Connect since 2011.
How many years have you been in your current position? 2
Describe your current job and functional responsibilities. A mix of corporate development, which includes finding new communities for altafiber to expand into to offer Fiber-to-the-Home services, and government affairs where I work on issues impacting fiber deployment at the national, state, and local levels.
What was your previous position? COO
How many years did you hold your previous position for? 16
Do you have experience as a member of a Board of Directors? Yes
If you answered yes, please provide the entity, the number of years served, and the officer position held. Ohio IX (Ohio’s Statewide Internet Exchange) – 2020 – Present – Chairman, and Treasurer
Sunshine Sports Network – 1998 – 2001 – Secretary
Indiana Broadband and Technology Association – Member – 2022 – present
Broadband Communications Association of Pennsylvania – Member – 2002 – 2004
The bylaws prohibit convicted felons from serving on the board. Is there any legal impediment that would prevent you from serving on the Board? No
Is there any legal issue personally of which the Association should be aware? No
Being a Fiber Broadband Association Board Member requires a considerable time commitment. Please confirm that you have the support of your company if you are elected. Yes
Please provide a short overview of your experience with telecommunications, fiber optics, and FTTH technologies. I have worked in the communication industry for more than 29 years. I have worked in the legal department, regulatory affairs, government affairs, television programming, and leadership roles.
Please describe the goals you would like to accomplish during your term as Fiber Broadband Association Board Member. I would like to see the organization grow and expand. I believe it can be (and already is) a thought leader in Washington, D.C. on fiber broadband issues. I also believe we can have a role in creating opportunity in the sector for veterans, and others through our workforce initiatives, growing the pool of needed workers to deploy fiber. I also believe we can increase the number of operator members and provide more opportunities for the community to come together and benefit from each other.
Have you reviewed the Board of Directors’ Responsibilities document, and do you understand what is required? Yes
Please describe the level of commitment (in terms of time and effort) that you intend to make to the Association during the three-year term. I will attend all of the events and make sure I participate in them. Hopefully, by providing some insight and guidance from my past experience and my current knowledge of fiber expansion.